Let's Write Together: Join My Silent, Virtual, Drop-In-Anytime Write-Ins (Apr 1-May 31)
Move your story forward
Greetings everyone, and Happy (almost) Spring!
Registration is now open for my silent, virtual, drop-in-anytime write-ins for writers of all levels. We’ll meet via Zoom, and we’ll GET IT DONE!
Please join me for 27, 2-hour, silent, virtual write-in sessions from April 1st thru May 31st, 2024.
Mondays (9a-11a CST)
Tuesdays (10a-12p CST)
Fridays (1p-3p CST)
That’s 54 hours of focused writing time, accountability, and community.
At just $50, you KNOW you’ll move your writing forward.
Writers’ Haven’s 2-Hour, Drop-In-Anytime, Silent, Virtual Write-Ins
So many of us crave more discipline in our writing, so here’s your chance to sign up for my 2-hour, Drop-in-Anytime, Silent, Virtual Write-Ins via Zoom.
Register to receive Zoom links: www.christinewolf.com/write-ins
7a-9a L.A. / 9a-11a Chicago / 10a-12p New York
April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May 6, 13, 20, 27
8a-10a L.A. / 10a-12p Chicago / 11a-1p New York
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
11a-1p L.A. / 1p-3p Chicago / 2p-4p New York
April 5, 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Write-In FAQs
Microphones are always off, but the chat stays open for community discussions, questions, and connections.
We'll meet via Zoom (keep your camera on or off — your choice), working independently-yet-together on our personal writing projects.
Come for any portion of any session. Come late...leave early... This is YOUR time, even if it's just 20 minutes to knock out a page or two. You know what they say: One page a day means one book a year :)
I host these dedicated times to encourage focus on your craft and works-in-progress. Spend your time writing, reading, researching, outlining, thinking, meditating, sketching, resting your brain — and anything else that supports your literary efforts. This time is for YOU.
I'm a writing and memoir coach supporting writers as they move their projects toward the publishing finish line. I love building community, and I'm happy to welcome you to this one. I'll be working on my own memoir-in-progress right along with you.
Your $50 payment helps to offset the administrative costs associated with hosting and managing these 27 silent, virtual, drop-in write-ins. THANK YOU, and HAPPY WRITING!
I look forward to writing with you!
—Christine Wolf
Contact me at christine@christinewolf.com
Q: Do we share our writing with others during these write-ins?
A: No. We don’t share our work in these virtual sessions. This is a time for you to write silently and independently. So, turn off your notifications and focus on your writing. However, if you’d like to send me pages for feedback, reach out and let’s schedule something!
Q: What happens during these silent, virtual write-ins?
A: This is our dedicated time to…
…focus on our works-in-progress
…edit our latest drafts
…brainstorm new ideas
…read a book on craft
…sketch out and research our characters/settings/scenes
…meditate on why we and our writing practices are important
…spend quiet, productive time in the company of other writers
…give ourselves permission to tune out the world and focus on our writing project(s)
…use the time exactly as we need it.
Q: Is this for professional writers only?
A: Goodness, no! It’s for everyone, no matter what your writing level or experience. We all start somewhere, and we all need to carve out some dedicated time for our writing. In these sessions, you’ll find established writers and brand-new writers just dabbling and starting out. We’re ALL writers here. No one’s holding up their work. No one’s better than anyone else. We’re all working away independently on our own things…together. :)
Q: What if I don’t know what to work on?
A: Trust me, you’ll find something to write about if you just make time. Whether you’re typing or writing by hand, the best thing to do when you’re feeling stuck is to start writing, even if that means you write, “I don’t know what I’m here to write about. The blank page is staring at me, and I have nothing to say about anything, including the weather, school, my to-do list, my job, my relationship, my strengths, my insecurities, my dreams, my struggles, my neighbors, international politics, the droopy lettuce in the produce aisle, my hairstyle from 1982…” Believe me, you’ll tap into something to write about, and before you realize it, you’ll get into the zone. These silent, virtual, drop-in anytime write-ins are designed specifically to help your words onto the page.
Q: Do I have to keep my camera on?
A: Of course not! Join us with your camera on or off.
Q: How do I get the Zoom link?
A: Once you register, I’ll send you an email with the Zoom link.
Q: Do participants interact?
A: No. We work silently and independently. It’s like going to the library or a coffee shop to work. You can look up to see the other people around you, but for this group, we’re not here to socialize. We’re here to work on our own projects amongst others doing the same. I also offer interactive gatherings, but this is dedicated time to work independently amongst other writers.
Q: Do I have to stay the whole 2 hours?
A: Absolutely not. This is a drop-in-anytime group, so come when you can and leave when you need to.
Q: What if I come late? Won’t I disturb others?
A: There is no “late” here. If you show up, you’re winning. Writers come and go constantly.
Q: If I leave early, do I need to let someone know in advance?
A: Heck no. Just go do your thing! We’ll be focused on our writing. Just shoo and go do you.
Q: Is it ever awkward? I have anxiety and I’m not sure I’ll feel comfortable in a new situation like this…
A: During your first visit, you’ll see how chill we are. This is an accepting community of fellow writers who all appreciate being together while working independently. It’s really going to be okay!
Q: Have you run a write-in like this before?
A: Yes, and the turnout blew me away. We’ve had attendees from all over the globe writing from all kinds of places, including offices, homes, cars, and even a prison. Writers are searching for unique connections, and these silent, virtual, drop-in-anytime write-ins seem to satisfy that unique need!
Q: Do I have to attend every session?
A: Goodness, no! Attend as many (or as few) sessions as you like.
Q: I know I can’t attend every session. Can I just pay for some of them?
A: Sorry, but no. To be fair to everyone, we charge one price and offer every session to all.
Come to every session (27): You’ve spent $1.85/session or $0.92/hour for 54 hours of accountability writing.
Come to half of the sessions (13.5): You’ve spent $3.70/session or $1.85/hour for 27 hours of accountability writing.
Q: Can I get a refund or a partial refund if I decide this isn’t for me?
A: Sorry, but no. Refunds aren’t given, and here’s why:
#1 I sincerely want you to show up, so if you register, you’re IN
#2 It’s a GREAT DEAL for 54 hours of hosted, facilitated writing time
#3 I’m a better writer than a bookkeeper, and I don’t have the bandwidth to manage the administrative back-and-forth of refunds
Q: Outside of this group, can I arrange to get feedback on my work from Christine?
A: Sure! If you’d like me to read pages or provide guidance through stuck-points, please reach out. I regularly work with writers of all levels of experience (I started somewhere, too!). Happy to set up a free 20-minute consult or a discounted hourlong session. Click here to get in touch.
Q: How much does this cost?
A: Your $50 payment helps to offset the administrative costs associated with hosting and managing these 27 silent, virtual, drop-in write-ins. THANK YOU, and HAPPY WRITING!
Q: How can I book time to work directly with Christine?
A: For individual attention and support with your projects, let's set up a one-on-one. Book an hour to discuss your stuck points, structure challenges, publishing questions, accountability hurdles, imposter syndrome... Believe me, I’ve been there. I get it. I'm here to help.
• Click here to book a free, 20-minute consult or a discounted hour-long consult ($125)
I look forward to writing with you soon!
Christine Wolf is the co-author of Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. and Marguerite Stitt Church — the first biography written about two Americans she never knew she needed to know.