it is very valuable for me ! :) thank you for everything ! I need to read it again few times... :)

my best wishes

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I am very early in my process (got back into writing March 2022), and am learning how and what I want to write about through trial and error. I call it finding my voice sometimes.

I had to get past feelings of desperation or time running out. Writing a memoir I am finding, is not a process that can be rushed--at least not for me. I feel like I am on a journey towards self-knowledge and personal growth and it will take as long as it takes. The important part for me right now is that I am doing something every single day to love towards my goal.

I very much appreciated your comments about not editing as one goes. Doing one thing at a time makes total sense and is way less crazy-making.

I saved this post to refer back to as I go. ;o)

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Wow. This is so comprehensive. Thank you

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Hi Christine, I read this over a few days ago. I will be reading again and looking at some of the sources you linked to. Thank you!

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Sounds like you’re doing all the right things (especially the self-compassion part!) and letting this process flow as it will. So glad you’re on this journey! I look forward to following your writing :)

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Hi Cali. Thank you for reading. Hope you find a nugget or two of helpful info in there. I always find inspiration in YOUR newsletter.

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Oh wonderful! Hope you let me know what resonates! ❤️

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