Need inspiration? Need community? Need to get your butt in that chair & get across the publishing finish line? LMK the days & times that work best for you. I'll set up a schedule & send you a link.
Hi, everyone. Here's the link to register for the free, silent write-ins from 1/23/23 to 3/30/23: Hope to see you there!
You are so sweet. I'll show up what every time you decide is best! If you don't mind me gulping loads of coffee if it's early LOL Thank you for opening up a space. I've been hesitating on querying for my YA novel.... very possibly good ol' fear.
Hi, Renee. We're offering free write-ins 1/23 thru 3/30 here (and some are NOT early :) Here's the link to register: Hope to see you there!
If you're still interested, here's the link to the free, silent, virtual write-ins. They go twice a week thru 3/30. Hope to see you there!
YES ❤️ Not sure about times but I am extremely flexible these days
Hi, Katie. If you're still. interested, here's the link to register for the free write-ins!
Hi, everyone. Here's the link to register for the free, silent write-ins from 1/23/23 to 3/30/23: Hope to see you there!
I would love to do something
East coast
Any early am folks ?
Hi, Kavita: We've created a series of silent, virtual write-ins! Here's the link if you're still interested:
I’m Midwest but can be an early riser!
Not an early girl, but I may be able to talk myself into rising early. :)
We can also add a different times on different days…
You are so sweet. I'll show up what every time you decide is best! If you don't mind me gulping loads of coffee if it's early LOL Thank you for opening up a space. I've been hesitating on querying for my YA novel.... very possibly good ol' fear.
I’m the president of the FEAR club, so worry not! You’ve GOT THIS!
You're the best. I may be VP or at least an assistant.
Hi, Renee. We're offering free write-ins 1/23 thru 3/30 here (and some are NOT early :) Here's the link to register: Hope to see you there!
I can do an early morning during the week! 7am CST would work. I like the idea of morning actually.
Would be fun to try!
Hi, Jocelyn! Here's the link if you're interested in registering for our free write-ins!
I would love to join this.
Next Thursday will try! Traveling Monday. Thanks for the nudge!
Hi Christine and all! I'm on the west coast, and my schedule is flexible, so I'm available for most anything Wed. - Sun.
Hi, Charlene,
If you're still interested, here's the link to the free, silent, virtual write-ins. They go twice a week thru 3/30. Hope to see you there!
Thank you! :)
You're so welcome! Hope to see you soon!
This is awesome, Charlene. I think we'll now have writers from every corner of the country! Stay tuned for more details!