Powerful writing. Seeing that text must have made you literally dizzy with its uprooting. You are strong to have gone through that and not lose your empathy towards your friend. That inspires me. As you might have read with some of my writings, that's a mighty sword of compassion you wield.

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I feel like March is a harder month than it used to be, and it was never easy. Maybe the pandemic anniversary? The hardest thing is for me to sit with my uncomfortable feelings and not be able to do anything to change them. I just have to let them be, take care of myself as best I can, and move through them. Lately, I feel quite bored. I'm pretty sure it's because I am alone too much. I don't get how people love WFH so much. I find it pretty monotonous. I have had a few weeks home without work travel, so when I start traveling again, I will pep up, but these fallow periods at home are hard. I take walks and such, but it doesn't really address the void other human beings fill. Thanks for sharing your process, Christine.

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Thank you for this reflection, Jocelyn. I love seeing your perspective, too. I personally LOVE working from home and the flexibility it gives me, though the alone time is definitely a huge struggle at times. I've been trying to fill that with virtual write-ins to "gather" writers in some fashion, and planning a retreat that brings us together. Travel is SO amazing, and I so relate to your passion for getting out there!

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Once again, WOW! ...and drop mic and walk off! 💕

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Aw, man, THANK you, Raf :) xo

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