So beautiful and well said. I've often wondered why I'm spending so much time and effort on my memoir... especially on the days I want to cry out of sheer frustration because it is nowhere near being finished. But then I think about what the last year and a half of working on my memoir has brought me -- I've written all the hard parts down. I've experienced it over and over in my edits and in reading it in class. One day, I woke up and was like, Hey... these past experiences aren't that scary anymore.

I've learned SO much about structure and prose and craft. I've connected with AMAZZZZZING people like you who are now in my circle and in my heart.

I've grown so much closer to my parents too, because I now ask them questions about their lives too, as it is relevant for my memoir.

The list goes on and on. I am grateful to that writing has evolved into what it has... and while I'm still nowhere close to being finished with my manuscript, that's okay. :D

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I SWORE I typed a reply to this! Sorry!!! I look forward to our adventures in 2024!

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Christine Wolf

I needed to read this! My aunt's best friend suggested to me that I write a book about my 32 years having epilepsy...I was so skeptical and wasn't sure how people would feel about hearing what all I have been through during these times...I must admit that I was a little scared too, but reading that your memoir is a record of growth and healing and also empowerment made me realize that writing my story could also be a way for me to grow as well...thank you!!!

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Sounds like your aunt’s best friend is a keeper! I’d love to read the book you end up writing. Best of luck to you. Please let me know if you need any support. I love working with first time authors and sharing resources to help map out structure and make the writing process feel a little less scary.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Christine Wolf

Thanks Christine for sharing your process in such an open and humble way. I am grateful for your mentorship.

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Wow. Thank YOU, Maura. ❤️

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I cried all the way through my writer's group yesterday. This memoir-writing stuff is not for the faint of heart.

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Oh no! I’m sorry. And I’m proud of you. Not everyone is that brave. You are.

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The worst part of it is watching myself later on the video recording. Dear God, what a mess!

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